Candy Button Winner
Royalty in the House!

To see more of Chris's work - click Here!

Dani from SpookyTime Jingles will be hosting a booth full of goodies at the National Halloween Convention! - To be Held in KING OF PRUSSIA, PA. This is a great opportunity for anyone who would like to see fabulous OOAK Halloween Folk Art in person! The booth will be PACKED with eerie eye candy from many of the SpookyTime Jingle Artists! If you can go - I recommend trying to get there on the first day of the convention!
Off with her HEAD!
I realize I have not announced the Candy of the Month, or last month's winner. I'm afraid that I have been swept up in "MARCH MADNESS" .... not the sporting kind mind you!
Getting ready for the Convention, finishing custom orders and life in general has consumed more of my time than expected! I still have a lot of unfinished business to take care of this month - so I will be announcing the winner of the Candy Button Contest tomorrow, but we will take a break from candy for March and Return in April with a "Dump your Easter Basket" candy contest! Truth be told, although we will be "taking a break from candy" - I have already sampled all of my Easter favorites AND cleaned out my secret candy stash (hidden in my studio)
- stress tends to do that you know!
- Sweet B
Gallery Hop Anyone?