Easter Review 2009
Now that the big bunny day is over, lets get down to business and review some of the best and worst candy that was up for offer this season!
For the rest of the month, post a comment about new candy you tried this year, your least liked, or your very favorite Easter Candy
-and you will be entered to win a mini Sweet B lollipop Baby!

Just to get the ball (or egg) rolling...
My personal favorites

Yes, the coconut nest!. Although I usually don't eat the jellybeans, just the coconut nest part- I just can't get through the Easter season without eating at least 3 or 4 of these, and they have to be Russel Stovers. I think the first one I had was in February - right after Valentines. Shameful, but true!
Another ALL TIME favorite

The Cadbury Creme Egg
Growing up in New Zealand resulted in a steadfast allegiance to ANYTHING Cadbury - the creme eggs being up at the top of the list.
This year the Orange Creme egg was a nice surprise. The orange flavor was different -but went well with the creamy interior.
Quick Facts from Cadbury
So, how do people eat their Creme Egg?
53% of people bite off the top, lick out the 'creme' then eat the chocolate
20% just bite straight through
16% use their finger to scoop out the 'creme'
How people unwrap their eggs can also reflect their Creme Egg eating style, we have...
Delicate Peelers - To achieve a considered, methodical & subtle eat
Stage Peelers - Who unwrap just enough to keep the 'creme' off their fingers
Quick Discarders - Who rip off the foil as they just can't wait to eat their Creme EggPersonally I like to put mine in the freezer, crack it open, and eat the filling with a tiny salt spoon.
Just a quick note here: Last year Cadbury put out a Christmas Ornament Creme Egg ...
... that was WRONG - just plain WRONG!
Keep the Candy Seasons Seperate guys!
Some new additions to my candy basket
Brachs Chicks and Rabbits. These little cuties have the same consistency as Circus peanuts - Especially good if the bag is left open for a few days (Have I ever mentioned my penchant for stale candy?)
Have you tried these little beauties?

Raspberry 3 Musketeers - delish!
And the Nostalgic Contingent.....

Sugar eggs! I won one of these as a child - it was HUGE (at least I remember it being huge), I can still remember how beautiful I thought it was, and how I ate it really slowly - breaking off pieces at night before bed (what were my parents thinking - letting me keep it in my room??) AND - how my brother cried because I wouldn't share - that was probably the best part.
Ok - I've totally "Spilled" my Easter Basket - lets hear from you!
- Sweet B