As you may or may not know, a road-trip is the perfect excuse to buy candy. I always pop into the gas stations we stop at, or check out the vending machines at the rest-stops to satisfy my sweet tooth cravings.
It seems like no-one criticises the calories when you are eating candy on the road, and sometimes you run
across things you haven't tried in a while - or even things you haven't seen before.
This is a
relatively new candy, (been out for a while - but still in the candy world considered "new") my husband and I picked up a bag on our way up to a cabin in the
mountains last week. Released to
coincide with the newest
Transformers movie.

Actually I picked up a bag of these, a box of good 'n plenty, a bag of
Reeses pieces (everyone knows peanut butter M&M's can't hold a candle to the
Reeses!),some regular corn nuts and a bag of regular M&M's for good measure.

I love me some M&M's, so I was thrilled to see a new variation to try. (haven't tried any "new" M&M's since the premiums came out - and before that the
raspberried ones of '07)
Unfortunately these guys failed the Sweet B Taste Test.

Image source:
The biggest problem was that they had neither the shape nor texture of an M&M in any way. If you closed your eyes you would think you were eating something entirely different -
M&M would be the farthest thing from your mind. They are bigger/fuller than a regular M&M and the outside didn't seem to be as crunchy as a regular M&M either. The filling is gooey (again -totally not M&M material) and tasted really artificial. I shared some with my husband and he agreed (and he will usually eat ANYTHING). Perhaps if I didn't know they were
supposed to be peanut butter and strawberry - I wouldn't have minded the flavor...
we actually didn't finish the bag (Totally out of character for me!) - which is really saying something!
So don't waste your pocket money on these guys -go for the original M&M's - you know, the ones that "
melt in your mouth...not in your hands!"
I think the Transformers should Transform back into regular M&M's
and stop messing around!
AND.... if you are lucky enough to find them

give these new
Coconut M&M's a try. Visit the
M&M website for more info
- Sweet B