Since fall is here, I have chosen a type of candy that will fit right into
your Harvest Cornucopia
This month the Candy Club Challenge is
What's that you say? Fruit is not a candy!
well....Sweet B says it is....
For this month's challenge you have to eat, make,
For this month's challenge you have to eat, make,
buy for yourself (or your loved ones)
one of the following:

Marzipan Fruits - An acquired taste- but one worth acquiring!
~the prize is a Sweet B Candy Container~
it is not quite finished so I should be posting it up in the next 4 days.
To enter, simply post a confectionery comment about one or all of the four fruit treats mentioned above!Eat your Fruit!
To become an official Candy Club Member - simply sign on as a follower and participate in the challenges... in other words... EAT YOUR CANDY!
-Sweet B