Ok - I know I haven't posted for a while - but with good reason!
... well, here's my story (and I'm sticking to it!).
.....A few weeks ago I was inspired by various bloggers (naming no names) to organize and "Spring clean" my studio. This was a daunting task - and it took me several days of serious contemplation before I could even get started. (I have A LOT of stuff)
Once I committed to the idea of ORGANIZING (a concept completely foreign to me and my family) I rolled up my sleeves and immediately began reading the magazines and clippings that I had been saving in piles under my desk. (Mary Engelbreit Magazines are even better the second or third time around!)Roll the clock forward two days - Finally finished browsing through old literature, pawing through costume jewelry stash, and folding stacks of felted wool, and decide to move onto the closet. This is a regular closet, not a "walk in", although it holds as much as a walk-in closet does - especially when I stack, shove and cram my supplies in there.
Here's where I made a BIG mistake. The top shelf of the closet had originally held LARGE baskets full of neatly folded fabric, baskets - which were now buried under months and months of accumulated flea market finds, e-bay rejects, extra supplies, and unfinished projects.
Reaching up to the top shelf and pulling down a spool of feathered garland triggered a MASSIVE avalanche of stuff, under which I was buried with no hope of rescue. 
For two weeks I lay trapped under the crushing weight of french flour sacks, vintage yardage, wood blocks, and a box of yarn spools (I had been looking those!)

While trapped under this tonnage of treasure, I managed to find sustenance in an old box of miscellaneous candy I had been saving for a gingerbread village I never got around to making.
Finally, after our deep freeze had been emptied of frozen meals, a search party was sent out to find me.

I never will forget the day I saw my husbands face peering over the top of the mountain of millinery under which I was trapped - I was SAVED - Hooooooray!
"When are you going to clean up this room?"
"Just get me out of here...."
And THAT'S why I haven't been posting to my blog!
-Sweet B